Monday, January 15, 2018

Long dayz

It has been some time since I have posted a blog or commented on a blog. I felt that with the growing trend with social media from 2007 to now that maybe I needed to focus my attention elsewhere. I was wrong. Spreading ourselves thin to be everywhere at once seems to be the in thing. So, here I am back to blogging. 

In the professional field of Communication and Media where the social media is being used as a successful tool, we must stop and ask ourselves, if its a tool for communication and media then what exactly are we putting out there, but do we? 

It is that we are now slaves to social media?  Why must I have no less than five social media accounts? Why must I spend more than four hours a day on social media?  If we are not checking in first thing in the morning and as soon as we get home at the end of the day, it's during working hours or for those of us that have personal phone use restriction at work it's every and any chance we get. 

Are members of our society addicted? 
I have heard people blame the device, " My boyfriend is always on his phone", " I met a guy who's always on his phone".  I am here to say that it's no longer the device but what it connects them too. 

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc...
These are our links to family, friends and business.  We have made ourselves available to the social media platform 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

I think it may be the first time in human history where we made our selves slaves without someone else doing it to us. 

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